Tulane University Compliance & Ethics Week, November 4-8, 2024
Tulane University celebrated its second annual Compliance and Ethics Week, November 4-8, 2024, to raise awareness of its Compliance & Ethics Program, recognize the efforts of compliance partners, and reinforce its mission and values for building a great university. Compliance & Ethics Week has been designated by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) and is observed by many institutions of higher education.
To promote a culture of ethical and lawful conduct at Tulane, the Compliance & Ethics Work Group, in partnership with the Office of Enterprise Risk Services and the Office of the General Counsel, planned informational and educational sessions for faculty, staff, and students.
Compliance & Ethics Week provides an opportunity to highlight the collaborative efforts of Tulane’s compliance partners who support ethical conduct and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Sessions featured subject matter experts on topics like Laboratory Safety; Artificial Intelligence in Higher Ed and Healthcare; Ethics in Medicine; Research Integrity; Conflicts of Interest and Commitment; Name, Image, Likeness (NIL) & the NCAA; and more. Click on the session title for the session recording.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Healthcare
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Monday, November 4
9:00 am – 10:15 am, Virtual Session
Ravi B. Parikh, MD, MPP, FACP, Associate Professor, Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Emory U. School of Medicine, Medical Director, Winship Data and Technology Applications Shared Resource, Winship Cancer Institute of Emory U.
Lizheng Shi, PhD, MsPharm, MA, Endowed Regents Professor, Director, Health Systems Analytics Research Center, Tulane U. School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Nassir F. Marrouche, MD, Director of TRIAD Center, Professor of Medicine, Vice Chair, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Section of Cardiology/Tulane University Heart & Vascular Institute, Tulane U. School of Medicine
A panel of experts will discuss opportunities and risks inherent in deployment of AI in clinical decision-making and in the broader arena of health research. The session builds on a panel discussion, including Dr. Ravi Parikh, from earlier this year at UPenn’s Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, Do No Harm: Balancing Innovation and Regulation in Health Care AI.
IT Security and Cyber Risks
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Monday, November 4
11:00 am to 12:00 pm, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Jeremy Pelegrin, Chief Information Security Officer, Tulane U.
Rob Tompkins, Lead Cybersecurity Engineer, Information Technology, Tulane U.
On the heels of Cybersecurity Awareness Month (October), this session is an overview of the latest cyber risk trends and best practices in cybersecurity in a University environment.
Inspection Ready: Understanding Regulations and Promoting Safety
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Monday, November 4
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Haylie Tucker, Laboratory Inspection Manager, Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS), Tulane U.
Blake Autin, Facilities and Construction Safety Manager, OEHS, Tulane U.
Julie N.L. Albert, PhD, Associate Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Tulane U. School of Science & Engineering
Elizabeth Engler-Chiurazzi, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Clinical Neuroscience Research Center; AAAS IF/THEN Ambassador, Tulane U. School of Medicine
Pam Fatland, Director, Research and Laboratory Safety, OEHS, Tulane U.
This session will bring together experts in laboratory safety and compliance and researchers to discuss the “who, how, and why” of inspections. Learn about key regulations, common inspection findings, and strategies to foster a culture of safety and compliance in your lab. Whether you are a researcher, lab manager, or safety enthusiast, this discussion will provide valuable insights and practical tips to ensure inspection readiness.
Innovative Approaches to Title IX Compliance Challenges
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Monday, November 4
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Julia Broussard, Assistant Provost for Title IX Compliance & Education, Tulane U.
Nelle Noble, Restorative Practices Manager, Office of Human Resources & Institutional Equity, Tulane U.
Learn the basic requirements for Title IX compliance at colleges and universities as well as current compliance challenges facing Tulane and higher ed. Also learn about innovative strategies and partnerships the Title IX Office is employing to face these challenges, including the Resolution & Restorative Engagement Program under the Office of Institutional Equity.
The Role of the Ethics Committee in the Hospital
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Wednesday, November 6
10:00 am - 11:00 am, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
David Doukas, MD, James A. Knight Chair of Humanities and Ethics in Medicine and Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Tulane U. School of Medicine
Stephen Hanson, Associate Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Director of Graduate Studies for the MS in Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Vice-Director, Program in Medical Ethics and Human Values, Tulane U. School of Medicine
Two clinical ethicists (one MD, one philosophy PhD) discuss difficult cases, policy issues, and the function of the modern ethics committee in a hospital. When should an ethics consult be called and what should you expect from it? We will focus the discussion on audience preferences, so please bring any questions or challenges of your own; but merely coming to listen is also welcome.
Drafting Informed Consent Forms in Human Subjects Research
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Wednesday, November 6
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Claire Koenig, Associate General Counsel for Health Sciences, Tulane U. Office of the General Counsel
Roxanne Johnson, Director, Office of Human Resources Protection, Tulane U.
Brian Weimer, Research Compliance Officer, Tulane U.
Cheryl Savini, Courtney Karmelita, Savini Consulting.
In this session, the presenters will cover topics such as (1) the general “what a reasonable person would want to know” standard; (2) issues like contract terms affecting what needs to be in the Informed Consent Form and the need for really clear information on data capturing technologies; and (3) the new FDA standards.
Name, Image, Likeness and NCAA Compliance
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Wednesday, November 6
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Gabriel Feldman, Sher Garner Professor of Sports Law and Paul and Abram B. Barron Professor of Law, Associate Provost NCAA Compliance, Director Sports Law Program and Co-Director, Tulane Center for Sport
David Harris, Director of Athletics, Tulane U.
Erinn Banks, Associate Athletic Director/Assistant Provost, NCAA Compliance, Tulane U.
A conversation surrounding the topics of NCAA compliance and name, image, and likeness activities.
Disaster Cost Recovery for the FEMA Public Assistance Program
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Thursday, November 7
9:30 am – 10:30 am, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Tracey Braden, Director Disaster Cost Recovery and Business Continuity, Tulane U.
The presentation will provide university partners with an understanding of the importance of implementing proper administrative and financial management practices to remain eligible for State and/or Federal disaster assistance. Specifically, the presentation outlines fiscal and administrative requirements and considerations across three phases – Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. PREPAREDNESS - Fiscal preparedness during blue sky conditions, such as reviewing Insurance portfolios, pre-positioned contracts, procurement processes, and university policies. RESPONSE - Financial management during the disaster response, such as Acceptable procurement methods, tracking purchases, and accounting for all eligible expenses. RECOVERY - Oversight of the cost recovery process, which involves: Required documentation, execution of properly procured contracts, and submitting expenses directly related to the disaster.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Higher Education
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Thursday, November 7
10:30 am to 11:30 am, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Nicholas Mattei, PhD, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Tulane U. School of Science & Engineering
Mike Griffith, PhD, Director, Innovative Learning Center, Tulane U. School of Professional Advancement, Adjunct Lecturer, Communication Department, Tulane U. School of Liberal Arts
Knud E. Berthelsen, MBA, Professor of Practice, Strategy, Leadership, and Analytics Minor (SLAM) and Connolly Alexander Institute for Data Science (CAIDS), Tulane U.
Rob Tompkins, Lead Cybersecurity Engineer, Information Technology, Tulane U.
In this session, panelists will talk about the rise of Generative AI (and AI in general) in our lives over the recent years. They will explore some of the issues and ethical questions that surround these technologies and their use in a higher education setting. While these technologies hold great promise and have already transformed how we do our jobs, there are still many questions around their use and deployment including privacy, accountability, and equity.
Balancing Collaborative Research and Security: NSPM-33 and Tulane
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Thursday, November 7
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Chris Dressler, Export Controls and Foreign Influence Compliance Officer, Tulane U.
Jeremy Pelegrin, Chief Information Security Officer, Tulane U.
Rob Tompkins, Lead Cybersecurity Engineer, Information Technology, Tulane U.
This session will provide an overview of the proposed NSPM-33 program requirements per guidelines released in July 2024. We’ll talk about which requirements are currently in place at Tulane, what changes are going to be made, and the timelines for implementation. NSPM-33 requirements include the following: 1. Establishment of a cybersecurity program consistent with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards; 2. Establish a foreign travel security program including training and foreign travel reporting requirements; 3. Research Security Training requirements; 4. Export Control Training requirements; 5. Establishment of a research security POC with a publicly accessible means of contact.
Operational Resilience – An Empowered University
Understanding and Mitigating Risk Can Be Fun
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Friday, November 8
9:00 am to 10:00 am, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Bonnie Canal, Manager, Business Continuity, Tulane U.
We all know that things happen no matter how much we plan but being prepared it just one aspect of resilience. In this session, attendees will see how they can contribute to creating a more resilient Tulane. When looking within Tulane how does one measure resilience? How does one define or rank what it a risk you YOUR department? There are so many converging issues around understanding and mitigation of risk and resilience. Bonnie will help unfold and define the most misunderstood words in Resilience. This session will allow attendees to acquire the first steps needed to build resilience through understanding the who, what when, where, and how of building a more resilient Tulane.
Addiction and Recovery
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Friday, November 8
10:00 am to 11:15 am, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Erica Woodley, Dean of Students, Tulane U.
Felicia Montiforte Kleinpeter, Co-Founder / Chief Executive Officer, Imagine Recovery
Christopher O’Shea, Co-Founder / Chief Innovation Officer, Imagine Recovery
José Calderón-Abbo, Medical Director / Addiction Psychiatrist, Imagine Recovery, Chief Medical Officer for Behavioral Health, Optum/United Health Care, Louisiana, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, LSU School of Medicine, Senior Faculty, Center for Mind-Body Medicine, Washington D.C.
Andrew Williams, Addiction Psychiatrist, Imagine Recovery, Gratis Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, LSU School of Medicine
Lee Michals, Addiction Psychiatrist, Imagine Recovery
49 million people in the United States aged 12 and older struggled with a substance use disorder in the last 12 months; that’s roughly 17.1% of the population. Whether you are someone who has struggled with substance use disorder or it has impacted people in your life, this has touched most people.
In this session, you will:
- Learn some basic information about substance use disorder, alcohol use disorder and drug use disorder.
- Hear from some local experts about resources available to our community.
- Have the opportunity to ask the same experts questions about these issues.
Silent Threats: Identifying and Preventing Fraud
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Friday, November 8
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
James T. Grimes, Director, Internal Audit, Tulane U.
The purpose of this session is to:
- Raise awareness of the common types of fraud in higher education and related fraud statistics;
- Highlight strategies for detecting, preventing, and mitigating fraud risks, focusing on internal controls;
- Promote a culture of ethical behavior and awareness, encouraging vigilance among faculty, staff, and students.
Managing Conflicts of Interest & Conflicts of Commitment
Supporting Research, Innovation, Discovery, and Entrepreneurship
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Friday, November 8
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Onnig Dombalagian, Chair, Tulane U. Conflict of Interest Committee, Professor of Law, Tulane U. Law School
Genean Mathieu, Assistant Director of Compliance, Tulane U.
Reinhard Breckner, Sr. Business & Compliance Administrator, Tulane U. Office of the General Counsel.
A refresher on how conflicts of interest & commitment disclosure and management processes at Tulane are woven into the institutional infrastructure supporting and promoting the research, innovation, discovery, and entrepreneurial efforts of Tulane’s community.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Meets Energy
Risk & Governance Frameworks in Use of Generative AI to Improve Client Service
(click on the session title, above, to access the session recording)
Friday, November 8
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Virtual Session (click here and then select Download to add this session to your calendar)
Tom Victorio, Director, AI Governance, Entergy Corp.
Noel Wong, Tulane U. VP and Chief Information & Digital Officer
Jason Hayden, Assistant VP, Technology Operations, Tulane U. Information Technology.
Learn how Entergy is using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve service to its customers while confronting the unique risks associated with generative AI by adopting best practice risk and governance frameworks.
Thanks to our Compliance & Ethics Week Sponsors
Please click here for Compliance & Ethics Week 2023.
Please contact us with any questions or comments about Compliance & Ethics Week.