Compliance & Ethics Week 2024

Tulane University Compliance & Ethics Week, November 4-8, 2024

Tulane University is planning its second annual Compliance and Ethics Week, November 4-8, 2024, to raise awareness of its Compliance & Ethics Program, recognize the efforts of compliance partners, and reinforce its mission and values for building a better university.  Compliance & Ethics Week has been designated by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) and is observed by many institutions of higher education.

To promote a culture of ethical and lawful conduct at Tulane, the Compliance & Ethics Work Group in partnership with the Office of Enterprise Risk Services, Internal Audit, and the Office of the General Counsel is planning informational and educational sessions for faculty, staff, and students.

Compliance & Ethics Week provides an opportunity to highlight the collaborative efforts of Tulane’s compliance partners who support ethical conduct and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Sessions will feature subject matter experts on some of the following topics: Laboratory Safety; Artificial Intelligence in Higher Ed and Healthcare; Ethics in Medicine; Research Integrity; Conflicts of Interest and Commitment; Name, Image, Likeness (NIL) & the NCAA.

Activities will include a Compliance Partners Appreciation Luncheon, as well as fun quizzes, online scavenger hunts, and games with prizes throughout the week.

Schedule of events for Compliance & Ethics Week 2024 coming soon.

Schedule of events from Compliance & Ethics Week 2023 can be found here.

Please contact us with any questions or comments about Compliance & Ethics Week.