Training and Education

Pursuant to HIPAA Policy GC-020 and to the Healthcare Compliance Education Plan HCC-001, all members of the Tulane University Health Care Component’s workforce are required to complete certain training (the “Training”) on HIPAA Privacy and Security within the first seven days of hire, appointment or assignment and on an annual basis thereafter.  

Tulane University’s Health Care Component, as designated in Policy GC-001 – Designation of Health Care Components and Hybrid Entities, includes Tulane University Medical Group (“TUMG”) its participating physicians and clinicians, and all other Tulane University Workforce members and business units who provide legal, actuarial, accounting, consulting, data aggregation, management, administrative, accreditation, operational support or financial services to or for TUMG.

To access the Health Care Compliance Training, please contact the Privacy Office via e-mail at

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